Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mixed Berry Cobbler

To be completely frank, I have never had a cobbler in my life, nor have I ever baked one. Shocking, right? But, I guess there's always something that not everyone has tried before. For me, it's the cobbler. I didn't really even know what the heck a cobbler was. From what I heard, it was basically just a fruit filling with a biscuit on top. This was a reason as to why I really never tried a cobbler. It just didn't sound to appealing to me. However, I was extremely excited to find that this weeks challenge for TWD was a Mixed Berry Cobbler. Now I had to try a cobbler.

Now, I knew that making a cobbler was very easy (which this was), and that it didn't take to many ingredients or anything difficult to make it. It was just the taste that matter. But, I didn't see how you could really go wrong. In the end, it was just how sweet you, as the person eating it, would want it. I made mine pretty sweet (I have a major sweet tooth).

I didn't make it into a huge cobbler. Instead, I made them into individual ramekins (Who knows if I'd really like it or not, or if everyone else would). In my opinion, they looked prettier in little individual portions anyways. I only used blueberries and strawberries (But I used more blueberries than anything ;]). I didn't really have any blackberries or raspberries on hand. If I did, I would have definitely had used them!

So, what did I think of my first cobbler? Well, after waiting for what seemed like forever and smelling the fruit in oven with my mouth watering, I finally got to take my first bite... And... It was really good! To my surprise, it didn't make me feel bloated for I thought that it might be a bit heavy (I was thinking of pie here...). But it didn't. Which was good. I've now discovered cobbler and it will be something I will make more often now ;]. Go Cobblers! :D


For the topping

2 cups flour
1 tbsp. baking powder
3 tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
6 tbsp. cold butter, cut up
3/4 cup cold heavy cream

For the filling

5 cups mixed berries, frozen or fresh
4 to 5 tbsp. sugar (depending on your taste)
1 tbsp. cornstarch
Grated zest of 1/2 lemon or lime
1/4 tsp. (or more, to taste) ground black pepper (optional)

Vanilla ice cream, for serving

1. Center a rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Butter a 9-inch deep-dish pie plate and put it on a baking sheet lined with parchment or a silicone mat.

2. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Drop in the butter and, using your fingers, toss to coat the pieces of butter with flour. Quickly, working with your fingertips (my favorite method) or a pastry blender, cut and rub the butter into the dry ingredients until the mixture is pebbly. You'll have pea-size pieces, pieces the size of oatmeal flakes and pieces in between — and that's just right.

3. Pour the cream over the dry ingredients and toss and gently turn the ingredients with a fork until you've got a very soft dough. When the dough comes together, you'll probably still have dry ingredients at the bottom of the bowl — just use a spatula or your hands to mix and knead the dough until it's evenly blended.

4. Don't overdo it; it's better to have a few dry spots than an overworked dough. Even with all the flour mixed in, the dough will be soft and sticky.

5.Turn the dough out onto a sheet of wax paper or plastic wrap, cover with another sheet of paper or plastic and gently press or roll the dough into a circle that is a scant 9 inches in diameter. Don't worry about getting the size exact or about seeing that the edges are even — this is a very homey dessert, and a rough-around the-edges biscuit adds to its charm. Set the dough aside while you prepare the fruit.

6. To make the filling, Toss all the ingredients into a large bowl and stir to mix. Turn the fruit into the buttered pie plate and top with the biscuit. Using a small sharp knife, cut about 6 slits in the dough, just as you would for a piecrust. Then, using either the knife or a large piping tip, cut a circle out of the center of the dough.

7. Bake the cobbler for 60 to 75 minutes, or until the top is puffed and golden brown and the fruit is bubbling steadily up through the center steam hole and all around the scallopy edges of the biscuit. Transfer the pie plate to a rack and let the cobbler cool for at least 30 minutes before serving.

8. Serve the cobbler warm or at room temperature, with ice cream.

STORING: Once the cobbler cools, you can keep it lightly covered for a few hours at room temperature, but you really should enjoy it the day it is made. Don't refrigerate it — the biscuit will lose its appealing texture.


  1. Looks great and so glad you are now a cobbler fan!

  2. Very cool, I love discovering that I like something new. Your photographs are gorgeous.

  3. Another cobbler convert, yahoo!

  4. Another cobbler convert, yahoo!

  5. Yeah for making something new...don't you love that?! Looks yummy!

  6. it was my first time making cobbler, too! glad you liked it! great job and lovely pics :)

  7. It was my first cobbler, too, and I liked it! Yours looks absolutely delicious, great pictures.

    Well done!

    Ulrike from Küchenlatein

  8. Another cobbler convert! Glad you liked it.

  9. Talk about the perfect way to experience cobbler for the first time - looks absolutely delicious!

  10. This looks completely delicious. Great photos too!

  11. This looks so summery! I love cobblers! Anything berry in it is great for me:)

  12. I love mixed berries, what better way to enjoy them than with a yummy biscuit topping! Great pictures!

  13. Beautiful pictures. I think that this was my first cobbler, too. It definitely won't be my last! :)

  14. My first cobbler, too. I had no idea they were so easy. Testify!

  15. mmm, cobbler, how i love thee. congrats on your first cobbler! now you must try peach cobbler, king of cobblers!

  16. I love trying new things! Your cobbler looks delicious, well done!

  17. Looks delicious! Glad you liked it!
    Shari@Whisk: a food blog

  18. Your cobbler looks terrific! Beautiful pics!

  19. Looks delicious! I'm glad you liked it. Cobbler is a wonderful "down-home" sort of dessert.

  20. I'd also never baked a cobbler and I don't believe I'd ever tasted one either. And I'm also a convert. Gotta love Dorie...

  21. Feeling bloated is always bad.
    It's not fair.

    Cobbler looks great! I think the individual portions look better too.

  22. one of my fav recipes from her book! looks great!:)

  23. Go cobblers indeed! Especially with a big big scoop of ice cream :D
