Whenever I say I'm having Poison Noodles, people look at me like the food must be poisoned. Well, as a matter of fact, that what we thought when we we're little. Me and my brother that is. The name originally came from my mom and her 6 brothers and sisters when she was little. My grandmother would make this meal and they would always complain in disgust. Which, came about the name 'Poison Noodles'.
Me and my brother picked up on the name as well. I remember looking at it as my mom would make it. When I was little, I always had this fear of cottage cheese. The hunks in it always disgusted me. I would never eat anything that would have cottage cheese. But, I ended up eating it on a bet.
My father would me he would give me $20 if I were to eat my plate of Poison Noodles. Twenty dollars?? That was like a hundred to little kids! I took my dad up on his offer. It took me a few moments as I stared at my fork in disgust, realizing that I was about to put that 'thing' into my mouth. The thought was mind bottling. However, I brought myself to take the bit. And, to my surprise, it wasn't that bad. Actually, it wasn't bad at all. Thous ended my fear for cottage cheese.
I still have no idea what the real name is to this dish, nor does my mother or my grandmother remember. We really don't care as to what the real name is. We are so fond of the name 'Poison Noodles'. It makes it sound more fun.

1 package (12 oz.) wide noodle pasta
3/4 cup cottage cheese
1/2 sour cream
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup cheddar cheese
1/4 tbsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. salt
1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Cook the pasta as directed. Drain.
2. In a bowl, combine cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, cheddar cheese, pepper and salt. Stir together till well combine.
3. Take noodles and combine it with the cottage cheese mixture. Cover the noodles in place in the oven for about 15 minutes. Serve warm.

Haha this is SO a Miami food! And I swear it must be native to the city b/c I grew up on these with fish, but anyone I've ever met that hears me mention the combination or eat the dish, they find it simply appalling:) But I have never heard it made with milk or cheese! We had always cooked up the egg noodles (always extra wide) and mixed them with cottage cheese, and then put it under the broil with a bit of butter on top so it gets all goldeny brown, and serve it on the side of some freshy caught baked fish...ah memories! And of course now i'm all lactose intolerant so I can't ever have it, but you certainly brought back some good times.
Had to cook this in secret one night when my better half was out of the house. She would have a heart attack if she saw me eating something with sooooo much fat.
I liked it :)
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