And it's finally here! Coffee-Mate Peppermint Mocha Coffee Creamer!
I was absolutely obsessed with this last year during winter. I was always drinking coffee because I just loved the peppermint taste! They stopped selling it around March because winter was gone and done with and summer was started! I was so aggravated when they stopped selling it! I couldn't have my favorite coffee anymore!
I seriously started dancing in Publix when I saw that they had these on the selfs. I knew that they were going to start selling it again around winter time, however, I didn't think they would start selling it now. Then again, I did walk into Walgreens the other day and they were already selling Christmas items. They seem to always start selling Christmas items before Halloween. I always find it funny when you walk into the store and one side is nothing much Halloween, then the other is all about Christmas.
I can't wait to grab some of this... I love peppermint in my coffee. It tastes like Christmas :)
Ha, I thought I was the only one obsessed with this creamer. I went out and bought a bunch last year before they were off the shelf so I could enjoy them throught out the year. Did you know they also have a powdered version? I'm going to pick that up too!
Holidays are over & the peppermint mocha is gone until next year. sniff sniff. My sister & I both LOVE this creamer & call each other the second it hits the shelves!!! Would be nice if they would sell the powdered version ALL year for us that love it so much!!
I am xo obsessed with this creamer I cant wait until the special seasons so I can grab some up I keep at least 6 in my fridge so I won't be without. I think it should be out all year!!
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