I've been wanting to make some peanut butter cups for the longest of times. I'm a pretty huge fan of eating the peanut butter cups, Reese's. And I always thought it would be fun to make my own peanut butter cups instead of buying them. And when my mother bought a bunch; And I mean a BUNCH of chocolate chips yesterday, making peanut butter cups came to head. So, that just what I did. And let me tell ya; They're so good! And it was so easy!

1 1/2 cup chocolate chips (semi-sweet, dark chocolate or white chocolate, whatever you prefer. I used a little bit of each kind)
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter
1/2 cup confectioner's sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
Pinch of salt
1. Set 2 dozen mini muffins wrappers on a baking sheet. Melt half of the chocolate, using a microwave-safe bowl and cooking it in short 30 second intervals until smooth.
2. Using a spoon, pour a little bit of chocolate in each muffin wrapper and using a small clean brush to paint the chocolate up the sides of each wrapper. Chill candy for 20-30 minutes.
3. In a small bowl, whisk together peanut butters, sugar, vanilla and salt. When mixture has come together, microwave until very, very soft. About 30 seconds.
4. Once candy has chilled, spoon generous amounts of peanut butter mixture into each candy cup. Chill for another 30 minutes.
5. Melt the rest of the chocolate and fill each muffin cup once they have chilled. Chill until set.

Oh, yum! What's not to like about these? I love chocolate + peanut butter.
ooh yum! Those look scrumptious!
So cute! I've always wanted to make my own but they seemed hard to make. but your recipe is nice and easy, i should just make these on my own from now own. plus, they don't have any fake ingredients, which makes it one natural sweet treat!
It's dangerous to look at your blog!!!!!! Every photo is like the ultimate food fantasy. And those peanut butter cups are to die for.
homemade peanut butter cups?? MARVELOUS!! YOUR peanut butter cups make Reese's look quite cheap!! ;0)
Those look really good. Peanut butter and chocolate is such a great combo. Nice photos.
Who knew it could be so easy?
Those look great!
YAY i dont have an oven and these are perfect for a sweet tooth!
My boyfriend "BIG BEAR" (he looks exactly like Bobby Hill on "King of the Hill" program) would love these.
And I will make him some because although he weighs 437 pounds (you can see his photos on my internationally-famous website at MySpace - the real chiffonade), he has lost all of his teeth.
Eating these should be no problem for him.
Although I am a PROFESSIONAL CHEF educated at Peter Kump's Culinary Institute, I never knew how to make peanut butter cups.
Thanks for the recipe.
How decadent!!
My husband has lost most of his teeth due to his ill-advised decision to perform his own dental work. He needs to eat soft foods, but I bet he could gum these right down!
Also, just to let you know, it was my husband, Chuck, posting as "Chiffonade." He has a thing for her.
Peanut butter cups are my absolute favorite! I can't wait to make these, although it might be kind of dangerous that I can make these at home!
I made these for the superbowl party I attended and they were a huge hit! Thanks!
My boyfriend and I are newbies at making sweets. We were walking on Pearl Street in Boulder and came across the Rocky Mountain Candy Company. $3.99 for "Peanut butter buckets" ...and they weren't even that good.
So we got an idea to make our own, started googling, and found your site. They turned out beautifully. We figured out that just using creamy organic peanut butter with the inside mixture(which is oily, and takes out a step of using a microwave) worked very well. it was easy to manipulate it into balls to pour the chocolate over it.
GREAT recipe!
wow! i love peanut butter and choclate, i even have it on toast! so these are perfect thanks!!!!!
I came across your blog while looking for a recipe for Peanut Butter Cups and I must say they were just delicious!
Great site
Omg yum! Great recipe. -Nyzo
I just made these to give away at Christmas with all my other baking...I used Lindt Milk chocolate, YUM!
Thanks for the recipe :D
i'm awful in the kitchen, but i just made these and they came out awesome!! thanks for the recipe!
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